Each day we are faced with many decisions. Some minor, some major. Some are important to make, some might not need to be made. But we are making them constantly.
Should I do this or that? How should I do this or that?
One of my favorite quotes (and I can't remember where I first saw it) is "Life is a series of decisions and then living with the consequences of each."
We will make wrong decisions and we will make right decisions. The question is...will we learn from the decisions we make, both right and wrong?
Many decisions we make are far more important than we give them credit. Some of our decisions set a mental precedent or pattern in our decision making which affects our future decisions. Some little decisions start a snow ball down a hill and result in us making the wrong decision on a very important matter. The decision to give into something just once, starts a pattern. It makes the next decision to give in easier. The next decision is even easier, and comes quicker. Before we know it we are down a road we didn't want to go.
The decisions we make are important. In Exodus 28 the Lord has them fashion a breastpeice for making decisions. This breast-piece was made with precious stones, gold and had the names of the sons of Israel engraved on it.
Exodus 28:29 - "Whenever Aaron enters the Holy Place, he will bear the names of the sons of Israel over his heart on the breast-piece of decision as a continuing memorial before the Lord."
While our decisions don't carry the same weight of Aaron's, what names would be engraved on your breast-piece of decision? Your spouse, your children, your mother, father, extended family? What is the weight of your decisions on you and those around you. What precedents, what habits have you fallen into that are affecting your legacy, the future generations of your family?
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