Thursday, December 10, 2009

What Jesus do you worship?

I think that for way too many of us, the image of Jesus is of this radiant perfect good looking man with children sitting in his lap that we don't relate to. I remember when I was young and my grandparents took me to church. I would go into the children's classes and we had the old flannel graph (remember those?) and we would talk about the stories of the bible. I've got to be honest I didn't get Jesus. I just remember I couldn't wait until the end when we got to sing and pick our own songs. My favorite, the one that I always picked...Onward Christian Soldiers. I could relate to that.

So what Jesus do you worship? The Jesus who came to be the perfect man the last Adam the one to show us how it should be done, the Jesus that told us to love our neighbor, to turn the other cheek to love our enemies...the Jesus who was kind and caring. Or is it the Jesus who sharply rebuked the Pharisees and religious leaders and turned the over tables in the temple in anger. Maybe it's the Jesus who is God; who ascended to the throne, who comes back someday with a sword of lightning in his mouth on a mighty steed and a blood dipped robe and defeats his enemies.

He is all of these things and more. We can't pick and choose the parts we like and ignore the rest. Jesus is everything, this world is all about Jesus. The bible is all about Jesus. Jesus is Lord, Jesus is the one and only way to the Father, Jesus is the Savior, Jesus is the one to rule them all. It's all about His glory, all things will be made to glorify Jesus. In the end every knee will bow...every knee.

So, what Jesus do you worship?

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